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3D Concrete Printing. Endless Possiblities.

Concrete Printing is a young technology.

With our partners MAI NTERNATIONAL we offer the leading

mixing pumps for print mortar and  the most advanced print head system in the world

Contact in Thailand: 080-2328549 /

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MAI Multimix 3D

The MAI MULTIMIX 3D is the  "gold standard" when it comes to mixing and pumping of 3D printing mortar.

Utmost precision, user friendliness and state of the art connectivity.  Click here to dowload our MAI 3D Presentation

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In a league of it's own....

MAI stands  for




The 3D Technology of MAI International is the best example of the company's motto..

High end technology, presented in a user friendly design, in highest quality and highest performance.

From the  MAI 3D equipment you can expect best resulsts for your 3D Printing  Operations..

MAI 3DCP Print Head

Equally important  as exact mixing and pumping, is the print head.

The MAI 3DCP sets the standard for print heads for 1K  and 2K printing. Click here to download our PDF Presentation for MAI 3DCP

MAI  International... equipped for the future !

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